What are the sealing methods of vacuum pump?

Addtime: 2020-07-16 Browse times: 2841

I believe that we are familiar with the vacuum pump, but the vacuum pump also needs to be sealed, do you know? Let's talk about several sealing methods of vacuum pump!

What are the sealing methods of vacuum pump?

1、 Packing seal

It is mainly composed of packing box, packing, water sealing ring, packing gland, etc. the packing seal of Dalian vacuum pump maintenance mainly depends on the contact between the outer surface of pump shaft and packing. Packing is also called packing. It is a kind of graphite or cotton fabric and asbestos, some of which are metal wrapped asbestos core. The tightness of the seal can be adjusted by tightening the packing gland.

2、 Mechanical seal

It is also called face seal. The mechanical seal mainly relies on the single side friction of the static ring and the east ring. Mechanical seal has better sealing performance than packing seal, less leakage, long life and low power consumption. However, the manufacturing of analytical seal is complex, with high precision requirements, high price and high installation technical requirements.

3、 Floating ring seal

With the help of floating ring end face and floating sleeve end face under the action of liquid pressure and spring force, the liquid can be sealed radially. The sealing fluid can only pass through the narrow gap between the floating ring and the shaft axially. The axial seal is achieved by reducing the throttling effect caused by the narrow gap formed between the outer surface of the shaft and the inner surface of the floating ring. The supporting force of fluid power can make the floating ring float freely, adjust the center automatically and operate reliably. The leakage rate is between the first two seals. This kind of seal is usually used under high temperature and high pressure.

The assembly of rotor and rotor is very important, and the clearance between rotor and pump cavity, the clearance between rotor and end cover, that is, double-sided clearance of high and low vacuum chamber and rotor tangent point clearance

Is the key to repair and manufacturing. Even so, but if the assembly is not correct, the material of the pump is too poor, there is a risk of jamming or grinding damage. Therefore, it should not be decided in practice.

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