Vacuum equipment maintenance

Addtime: 2021-09-10 Browse times: 3165

  Key points of vacuum equipment maintenance:

  The key point of maintaining vacuum equipment is to identify fault problems. In general, there may be several reasons why the vacuum can not be pumped up. We must find out what is the reason. Perhaps the vacuum unit has insufficient pumping capacity, the leakage rate is high, or both. At this time, you should observe and record carefully and patiently to find the fault problem. For example, if the evacuation time is the same and the vacuum degree is low, close the main valve at this time. If the pointer of the vacuum gauge drops rapidly, the vacuum chamber leaks in most cases. At this time, the leakage point should be found out first. For example, the pointer of the vacuum gauge drops very slowly. In most cases, the pumping capacity of the vacuum unit is insufficient. At this time, we can focus on finding out the problems of the vacuum pump and valve to see where there is leakage, or the diffusion pump oil is polluted and oxidized; Or the front stage pipeline is not well sealed and the pump oil is insufficient; Or pump oil emulsification, shaft seal oil leakage and other fault problems.

  1、 Detection leakage rate:

  (1) Finding leakage point and micro leakage point of vacuum equipment

  (2) Leakage and leakage finding

  2、 Handling of fault points

  3、 Points to pay attention to during maintenance

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