Energy saving skills in using vacuum pump

Addtime: 2020-07-16 Browse times: 3160

When we use vacuum pumps, we all hope to use energy-saving ones. In fact, we have some skills for energy-saving of vacuum pumps

1. Improve transmission efficiency

The transmission efficiency can be improved by using the coupling direct transmission instead of the flat belt.

2. Prevent air intake of vacuum pump

The vacuum pump enters the air, and the water output will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to check and maintain the sealing parts.

3. Increase energy consumption

Eliminate the "antiaircraft gun" type water outlet pipe orifice. This kind of outlet pipe will increase energy consumption.

4. Oblique installation, reduce elbow

Install the vacuum pump obliquely or turn the volute so that the water outlet is facing the pool.

5. Shorten the line

It can save 10.1 hours by removing 21 kg diesel oil pipe.

6. Enlarge outlet pipe diameter

If the 4-meter long 10 cm water outlet hose is replaced by a 15 cm pipe, 0 or 5 kg of diesel oil can be saved in 10 hours.

7. Remove the screen

The filter screen can be removed when the inlet water can be kept clean.

8. Change the ring and adjust the axial clearance

To prevent improper impeller ring and axial clearance, it should be adjusted according to the factory instructions of vacuum pump.

9. Eliminate pipe blockage in time

If foreign matters remain in the inlet pipe, impeller or guide shell channel, the water yield will be reduced.

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